DS 3077 Horizontal — a new standard for representative sampling. Design, history and acknowledgements

Kim H. Esbensen and Lars Petersen Julius

DOI: 10.1255/tosf.7


July 2013 saw the conclusion of a five-year project, design, development and quality assurance of a new generic sampling standard:
DS 3077 Horizontal. DS 3077 Horizontal is published by the Danish Standardisation Authority (DS). Development of this standard was
carried out by task force DS F-205. This contribution summarises the history of this endeavour, focuses on a few salient highlights
and pays tribute to the taskforce and to a group of external collaborators responsible for initial proof-of-concept and the final practical
quality assurance. DS 3077 describes the minimum Theory of Sampling (TOS) competence basis upon which any sampler must rely
in that sampling can be documentable as representative, both with respect to accuracy and reproducibility. It represents a consensus
based on industry, academe, official regulatory bodies, professionals, students and other interested individuals.

Published in Issue 1 · November/December 2013

Citing this article

Esbensen, K. H. & Julius, L. P. (2013). DS 3077 Horizontal — a new standard for representative sampling. Design, history and acknowledgements. Sampling Science & Technology, November/December 2013(1), 19-22. https://doi.org/10.1255/tosf.7


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