It‘s Time for Something Different.
Sampling Science and Technology (SST):
A New Home for TOS forum

Kim H. Esbensen

DOI: 10.62178/sst.001.001

You have just opened the inaugural issue of Sampling Science and Technology (SST), the new scientific magazine published by the International Pierre Gy Sampling Association (IPGSA). Welcome!

Why this new magazine?
The reason is very sad. In late April 2023, IPGSA’s Publisher since 2013, Ian Michael of IM Publications OPEN, unexpectedly passed away, succumbing to leukemia. This tragedy threw the fate of TOS forum and the regular SAMPLING column in Spectroscopy Europe into unknown territory as it quickly became clear that IPGSA could not expect a direct continuation of these outlets from our decade long publishing house. A tribute to Ian Michael and his invaluable support for the development of IPGSA can be found in this issue.

However, after ~20 years of organised work for the world sampling community, the time has also come for a revision of the scope and responsibilities of IPGSA, as set out in the article in this issue by Claudia Paoletti, IPGSA vice-president.

As part of this re-alignment, the Editor of both TOS Forum and the SAMPLING column decided to amalgamate these publication outlets into the new publication: Sampling Science and Technology (SST), which defines itself squarely in-between a magazine and a journal. And we have found a new, equally competent and inspiring collaborating publishing house: Benedikt Dolzer, who is responsible for the pleasing new layout you‘ll find in this issue.

A conscious effort has been made to illustrate this intended position with the complement of solicited and submitted articles in this inaugural issue: a review of a new analytical approach of the highest interest for the global sampling community, an educational review of subtle, but powerful practical sampling approaches, presentation of a totally about-face concerning sampling where?, a position paper for IPGSA on the verge of a new era, a tribute to our lost Publisher extraordinaire, and a news flash re. a timely 3rd revision of the sampling standard DS3077. What’s not to like?

It is the intention to offer SST as a platform for scientific and technological interaction among all members of the world sampling community without in any way detracting from also publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals proper. However, the major impact from SST is intended to be educational at all levels of interest. That is, SST welcomes any-and-all didactic etudes, practical perspectives, exemplary case histories, as well as the occasional theoretical article aimed at the sampling community both sensu stricto and sensu lato.

This editorial is a call to action, to contribute to IPGSA’s drive for building professional sampling competence across all societal sectors where sampling is on the agenda – in science, technology, industry, trading, food/feed, public health ... SST and its editor are fully at your disposition in this endeavor. One of the prime tasks in the first year of operation will be the establishment of a full editorial board – Interested parties are very welcome to suggest themselves.

But first and foremost: turn on your PC and start writing your contribution!

Published in Issue 1 · January 2024

Citing this article

Esbensen, K. H. (2024). It‘s Time for Something Different. Sampling Science and Technology (SST): A New Home for TOS forum. Sampling Science & Technology, January 2024(1), 1.


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