Claudia Paoletti

Claudia Paoletti did her Master in Biological Science at the University of Rome (Italy) and her PhD in Plant Genetics at the University of Connecticut, USA. She was for three years at Dalhousie University (Canada) studying plant population genetics and biometry. She continued her activity at the Research Institute for Industrial Crops in Bologna (Italy) where she focused on the evaluation of the risks of transgenic crops. In January 2006 she joined the GMO Unit of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) first as Team Leader and then as Deputy Head of the Unit. In 2019 she was appointed manager of the programme designed to reorganise the EFSA in preparation for the new European Law on food safety. She has been the Italian expert for the definition of the European Commission sampling plans for GMO detection in conventional seeds. She coordinated the European sampling research project KeLDA and she has been the biometric officer of the EU Community Reference Laboratory for GMOs. She is expert consultant for ISO/IWA committees, OECD, CEN, the European Commission and FAO. She organised international training courses on food/ feed safety for the European Commission, UNIDO, PHARE project and universities within and outside Europe. She has over 90 contributions either as book chapters, or as peer-reviewed papers.

Articles by Claudia Paoletti

Distributional assumptions in food and feed commodities: how to develop fit-for-purpose sampling protocols?

International Pierre Gy Sampling Association: A New Beginning

Opinion: “Cotton is cotton, don’t worry about sampling— just look at the data...”

Representative sampling for food and feed materials: a critical need for food/feed safety

Sampling errors undermine valid genetically modified organism (GMO) analysis

The crucial role of proper sampling in food and feed safety assessment

TOS: Progress through continuity and community