The Biota Guard marine oil leak monitoring system — novel sampling application of bivalve PAT biosensors

Inge Dragsund, Morten Kompen, Erling Holmslet, Eirik Sønneland and Olav Christie

DOI: 10.1255/tosf.6


The Norwegian high-tech company Biota Guard has developed a unique marine oil detection and monitoring system based on
biosensors. The system uses marine in situ biosystems as novel sampling sensors in a Process Analytical Technology context which
are documented to have a detection sensitivity vastly outperforming traditional physico-chemical sensors. The sampling element in
the Biota Guard system receives special attention here.

Published in Issue 1 · November/December 2013

Citing this article

Dragsund, I., Kompen, M., Holmslet, E., Sønneland, E. & Christie, O. (2013). The Biota Guard marine oil leak monitoring system — novel sampling application of bivalve PAT biosensors. Sampling Science & Technology, November/December 2013(1), 15-18.


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